Fisheries Acoustics is an integrated research area that uses active acoustic technologies to map, count, and size aquatic animals. The FAR Lab uses acoustic data to develop analytic techniques that monitor and investigate interactions among animals and their environments.
Learn more...Members of the FAR Lab currently work on topics ranging from marine renewable energy to Artificial Light At Night, to fish migrations in Cambodia. We typically work on more than one project at a time. Click the link below to check out some of our current projects! Learn more…
Learn more...March 2025: New Members
Undergraduate students Anna Kleven and Dylan Strauss will be joining the lab to work on their senior capstone projects! Welcome Anna and Dylan!
March 2025: New Member
We are excited to announce that Dr. Jianfeng Tong, an Associate Professor in the College of Marine Living Resource Sciences and Management at Shanghai Ocean University, will be joining the lab as a visiting scholar for the next year! Learn more about his work here or view his publications here! Welcome Jianfeng!
September 2024: Presentation
Rob and Mark presented talks at the 2024 Underwater Glider User Group Workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
Enhancing Processing and Management of Multidimensional Glider Sensor Data
Adding to the Picture: Optic and Active Acoustic Data Product Transmission for Near-Real-Time Ecosystem Monitoring
June 2024
Jezella successfully defended her Master's thesis "Probabilistic Empirical and Agent-Based Encounter-Impact Models for Fish and Tidal Turbine Interactions". She was selected as a 2024 Washington Sea Grant Fellow and is joining the Seattle Aquarium in August, where she will collaborate with Ingenous Peoples and local communities to develop and implement engagement strategies to support pinto abalone recovery and honor cultural connections. Congratulations Jezella! Learn more about her program here!
March 2024: Presentation
John presented two talks at the World Fisheries Congress in Seattle, Washington!
Autonomously Characterizing Migration Variability for In-River Fishery Management: Tonle Sap, Cambodia
Amplifying Near-Real-Time Insight to Ecosystem Functions Through Gliders and Active Acoustics
February 2024
Jezella's research on probabilities of fish-turbine encounters and impacts was featured by the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences! Check out the article here!
December 2023: New Paper
Jackson and John published a paper on the methods for building Solar Powered, Autonomous, Acoustic Monitoring Stations (SPAAMs) which they used to monitor fish in the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia.
Horne JK, Swan JA, Tracy TJ II, Holtgrieve GW. Automated acoustic monitoring of fish for near-real-time resource management. ICES J Mar Sci. 2023; fsad196. doi:
November 2023: New Paper
Jezella and John published a paper where they used an impact probability model to estimate Pacific herring encounters with two different turbine types in Admiralty Inlet, Washington.
Peraza JI and Horne JK. Quantifying conditional probabilities of fish-turbine encounters and impacts. Front Mar Sci. 2023;10:1270428.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1270428
October 2023: Presentation
Jezella presented a poster at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS): National Diversity in STEM Conference in Portland Oregon!
Quantifying probabilities of fish and tidal turbine encounters and impacts using empirical and agent-based models
October 2023: Presentation
Jezella presented a talk at the University Marine Energy Research Community Conference in Durham, New Hampshire!
Quantifying Avoidance and Probabilities of Fish-Turbine Encounters and Impacts Using an Agent-Based Model
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September 2023: Presentation
Jezella presented a talk at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) in Bilbao, Spain!
A Conditional probabilistic encounter-impact model for fish-turbine interaction
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